Social Media

Showcase Your Business With Unique Videos.

Allow your customers to experience something new (and refreshing). Our post production editing makes the videos feel like you're there, in your business.

Immersive & Unique

Fuel Your Feed.

Drone video offers a unique experience for the user. They get to experience your business from wherever they are (this builds interest and desire!).

Showcase the Process

The Psychology Behind it

Drone footage is both engaging and entertaining. It reels you in, and lets you experience "a ride" from the comfort of your own home.

What this means for you is that you can reach more people, at a lower CPM (cost per thousand), because you provide videos that are engaging and work with Meta.

Top Of Funnel

TOF Advertising

Your business has no bottom of funnel traffic if you're not filling the top of your funnel. Full Transparency, I do not offer bottom of funnel ads. Drone videos are meant for the top of your funnel, to fill your funnel with engaged leads that will "trickle" down to the bottom of your funnel.

Give Your Marketing A Birds Eye View

HVER creates eye-grabbing and unique first-person videos using drones.

Channels (How to Use Drone Video)


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