
Using Drone Footage to Fill Your Funnel

There is no bottom of funnel efficiency if you can't fill the top of your funnel.

Instagram & Facebook

Leverage Meta Ai

The cat's out of the bag. Meta knows EVERYTHING about you. While we could complain, I prefer to put the cat to work (aka leverage Meta's data and Ai for genius ad targeting).

Meta is competing for your attention, meaning, they value User Experience over everything. If your ad (and landing page) gives users a good experience, Meta will reward you with cheaper reach (CPM), and lower cost per Acquisition (CPA).

If you work with Meta, they will work with you. End of story.

Focus on User Experience

So Why Drone Footage?

Drone footage is both engaging and entertaining. It reels you in, and lets you experience "a ride" from the comfort of your own home.

What this means for you is that you can reach more people, at a lower cost, because you provide videos that are engaging and work with Meta's Algorithm.

Top Of Funnel

Sift Out the Interested Customers

The top of your sales funnel is where you find out who is interested in your product/service. When you run Top of Funnel ads, you leverage Meta's built in Ai to show your ads to those who might be interested. Meta has been collecting our data for decades. They know everything about you (and then more). Cry about it. Or use it.

Video Formats

Tailoring Ads for the TOF

The reach is in the format. For example, using a square video format means that Meta can show that video in more places.

This sounds GREAT. But it's NOT.

We don't want our ads shown to the same people more than once because it will raise your CPM (cost to reach more people). Instead, we make ads that can be shown in less places. This means there is less opportunity for retargeting, less people see the ads more than once, and because you chose to use drone footage, your CPM goes way down because the video is engaging and great for the platform!

Channels (How to Use Drone Video)


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